He finally started wearing a cowboy hat and put a decorative decal in his pick up window and the problem stopped.
Thank you. You proved my point. The profiling is more than skin deep.
For example, I don't fear black people who are wearing Armani suits while coming out of a business convention. Not at all. Actually, I hope I can do business with them. Conversely I fear white men with baggy, low hanging pants, an unfriendly face, tattoos all over their face and body, chains coming out of their pockets, Yes, I am profiling too. The cops must and do exactly the same. So it happens that, when they are searching for criminals, the overall profile gets more black than whites or Asians, but I doubt that the color of the skin was the only factor in the profiling. I seriously doubt, given the present social tensions, that cops are thinking "I hope I can kill another unarmed black boy today" Quite the opposite. They rather not be in that situation ever.